Thanks to this surgery, I was able to become a guy with one of the best physiques
This is not your typical story about fat surgery. I wasn’t eating cheetos and pizza for dinner every night and washing it down with soda. I worked out. I was somewhat careful about what I ate. But yeah, I would go drinking with friends and eat desert from time to time. I was pretty health conscious though. Although I didn’t fit into the typical ‘Overweight American’ category, I did fit into the category of the typical ‘American who can’t ever seem to achieve their weight and size goal’. After extensive research, talking to friends, and checking out options, I signed up for liposuction surgery expecting weight loss- But what I got was a lot more. This isn’t the “Jared from Subway” story, where I was overweight, went for surgery, and came out a little less heavy (but still squishy). I worked out. I was in better shape than some guys my age, and was an average weight. I had always been somewhat healthy. I found myself in my late 30′s, frustrated and disappointed that I couldn’t get the physical appearance I wanted, and I finally just decided it was impossible for me because of my body type. I wanted a legitimate 6-pack, but had given up on looking how I wanted because no matter what I did, I always seemed to have a belly. Fast forward to after the procedure- I won’t lie, the next day you wake up feeling like you went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. But, you need to be reasonable and expect you will be sore and swollen after any surgery, and this is no exception. Over the next few weeks, the swelling began to go away, and I started seeing some great definition. Don’t be misled, I didn’t get an instant 6-pack, like it was some kind of drive through service. But the picture here of me was taken a couple months before I turned 40, and I think it speaks for itself. His surgery gave this to me, but not all in one step. Getting the 6-pack wasn’t as easy as I had hoped, but for the first time in my life, it was possible. The surgery went great, and I could see a new level of definition in my abs. Dr. Tirgari started a fire in me, and gave me a new level of motivation. For the first time in my life, I could see the potential to get the definition I wanted, with just the same working out and dieting. And I wanted to see if I could achieve more. So I dieted and exercised more, and you know how the rest of that story goes, so I’ll cut to the chase. I started getting more defined and more cut. More than I ever expected. And to be honest, more than I had even hoped for (way more than I thought was possible). I’m just a regular guy. I’m not rich. I’m not the best looking. But thanks to this surgery, I was able to become a guy with one of the best physiques- I couldn’t believe it was me in the mirror. Don’t get me wrong, his staff is great, his surgery was right on (you can clearly see for yourself), and this procedure is for anyone having problems losing trouble areas. But maybe your story is similar to mine, and maybe you want more for yourself than not ‘being overweight’. If you’ve worked out, watched your diet, but just can’t seem to achieve your physical goals- Then you are where I was 2 years ago, and you should be considering a talk with the good doctor. Look at my pictures again. They are real, so is my story.
- Chris